From the moment my son was born I saw the world in a different light. Instantly, from the moment he was in my arms, a happiness and fire was ignited in me that I had never felt before. I wanted to melt into that moment forever. That was the moment I wanted to capture what my eyes were feeling.
A passion inside me was born, so I endeavoured to learn all that I could about photography. As a stay-at-home-mum with a newborn, I was limited to informal training. I stayed up late into the night watching You Tube tutorials and taught myself all that I know about my camera. I emailed other photographers, asked friends and children to pose for me and even enrolled in some short day courses.
Now, when someone asks me if I am a 'Professional Photographer'? I cannot help but smile because even though I do not have a diploma on the wall I have a passion in my heart to capture the moments so easily forgotten. My purpose is to demand that time stand still and write you a picture with LIGHT...
Hi, my name is Natalie Galea, I am a 45-year-old Mother and Step Mother, part time Primary School Teacher and Professional Photographer. I would love to capture your memories and most precious moments.